Wednesday, May 27, 2009

More reflections on chickling vetch... or a lack thereof

So, funny story about chickling vetch. Emma was the one who introduced us to the fact that there even was such a thing. When we're out buying seeds at the Ontario Seed Company (OSC), she asks one of the clerks about chickling vetch, and the woman tells her that she doesn't even know what that is. Meanwhile, John and I are laughing hysterically behind the shelves of seed packets, since it totally sounds like Emma has completely made this all up. (Yes, I know I found a picture of it online... maybe she planted that. Ha. Planted, get it?) ANYWAY, so we end up getting fall rye, which is apparantly another kind of green manure that will work just as well.

However, our fall rye has not yet made an appearance, sadly. The bed where it was planted contains only weeds and more weeds. But on closer inspection, one can see the little seeds of fall rye just sitting on the surface of the ground. I don't know who planted it, but whoever you are, you know who you are - you can't just scatter seeds on top of the ground! It doesn't work!Although I have to admit, the idea is appealing. It brings to mind a picture of a farmer with a sack of seeds tied around his waist, scattering them to the four winds as he walks down the rows.

So, now we know. This garden is definitely a learning garden. One of us (who shall forever remain nameless) learned the hard way that the entire garden hasn't been planted yet when she carefully watered all of the patches of dry ground that didn't have any seeds in them. We're learning how fast weeds grow, how dry the ground can get when it doesn't rain, and how exciting it is to see something that you've planted pushing its way through the soil. We're also learning that people are busy, that having a garden in our backyard instead of the outskirts of Kitchener would be infinitely more convenient, and how dependent we are on vehicles as much as we'd like to bike everywhere all the time. But we're also finding out that people will make time to follow through on a commitment, that maybe sometimes it's good to not have everything come so easily, and that we can be quite creative with the transportation that we do have (tomato cages in milk crates attached to bikes with hose clamps....)

Oh, right. Tomato cages - I need to learn more about those.


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